

The Most Boring Office in San Francisco
Walking into this dull looking building on Franklin Street you might easily mistake it for a typical business office. But in fact this office oversees the largest collection of sexual documents and materials in the world. The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality offers classes, workshops, training, programs, lectures, and for over 30 years has been qualified by the State of California's Department of Education, offering Masters and Doctoral degrees.

The IASHS traces its roots back to 1962 when it was first established as a scholarly research center by the Methodist Church and other churches, hoping to protect homosexuals from harassment and violence. The Institute's vast collection of reference materials includes erotica, literature, artwork, sex toys, and films on all types sexual behavior (even the weird stuff you're into).

Researchers and private individuals are free to visit the IASHS and study its huge archive of sex-related materials, stored in various warehouses around the city. A number of writers and actors such as Robert DeNiro have used the Institute to research for their projects. The IASHS has also published a list of Ten Basic Sexual Rights and promotes these ethical rules as human rights.
[ MAP G-13 ]


Blogger tangobaby said...

Where do you come up with all of these ideas for posts?!

You amaze me.

11:51 AM  

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