The End of FogBay
I will end FogBay the way I began it, with a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. It is remarkable to think that after its construction in 1937, many locals thought the bridge to be an eyesore. It was San Francisco photographer Ansel Adams who helped change public opinion when he announced that he felt the bridge actually enhanced the Golden Gate landscape. The story of a local photographer helping others to see the beauty of the San Francisco Bay seems a fitting way with which to conclude FogBay.
Personal Note:
During the one thousand posts to this site, I've featured a lot of the remarkable things that make the Bay Area a wonderful place to experience. I hope you take the time to visit the ARCHIVES link at the bottom of each page and view some of those past posts.
FogBay has been very rewarding to research, shoot and assemble. It has taught me a lot about photography and given me a deeper appreciation of the Bay Area. Although there are easily another thousand interesting posts to be written about San Francisco, after four years I'm ready to move on and try new things with my photography.
To this end I've started FogPhoto.com, a new photoblog which will allow me to be a little more creative in my photography without the constraint of attempting to illuminate a story. I've got a lot of exciting plans for FogPhoto and its wider format means that I may even turn my camera horizontally once in a while.
I would like to thank all the FogBay readers who took the time to write in, offer their generous support, and provide their insights. I will truly miss reading your comments. I hope you'll find the time visit me at FogPhoto occasionally.
Best wishes and thank you,