1827 Golden Gate, The Western Addition
On February 4, 1974, newspaper heiress, Patti Hearst was abducted from her Berkeley apartment by a militant group calling themselves the Symbionese Liberation Army. The group brutalized and imprisoned her for weeks in a closet of unit six in this apartment building. Hearst then announced she had joined her militant captors and was filmed helping them rob the Hibernia Bank at 22nd and Noriega. Later, six members of the SLA were killed in a shoot-out in Los Angeles. Hearst however was not with them and avoided arrest by moving between various safe houses in the Bay Area and Pennsylvania. In 1975 Tania, as Hearst was now calling herself, was captured with fellow SLA member, Wendy Yoshimura. Hearst later claimed the group had used LSD to force her to take part in the bank robbery. Her lawyer F. Lee Bailey lost the case and Hearst was convicted of bank robbery but had her sentence commuted by President Carter. She now lives with her husband and two daughters in Connecticut and occasionally acts in films.
MAP I-11